“Fatti Storici”
Nel 1770 Luigi XVI e Maria Antonietta furono fatti sposi con un matrimonio politico tra la famiglia dei Borboni, francese, e quella austriaca degli Asburgo. Erano considerati ciò che rappresentava “la Bella Francia dell’Europa medievale” a detta di tutti. Nel 1774 Luigi XVI sedette al trono. Il figlio più grande soffrì di tubercolosi e morì all’età di sette anni, e così il secondo figlio Luigi Carlo (più tardi Luigi XVII) divenne il principe.

In 1770, a political marriage between the Bourbon family of France and the Habsburg of Austria had brought Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette together. The two were what most people would consider to represent the “Beautiful France of Medieval Europe” itself. In 1774 Louis XVI ascended the french throne . The eldest son had died at the age of 7 due to tuberculosis, so Louis-Charles (later known as Louis XVII) was crowned prince.
In July of 1789, the french revolution broke out. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were executed, and Louis XVII was imprisoned in the temple and passed away at the age 10. Many rumors were surfasing which said the one who died in the tower was a fake, that someone had snuck the prince out and that he was still alive. There were people who even claimed to be the prince himself.
But there is a significant development in the mystery thanks to the 20th century DNA testing. After conducting DNA test on a 200 year old mummy heart, it was said to be Louis XVII who died in the temple and Marie Antoinette’s hair passed down for generations in the Habsburg family, the heart was determined to be from Louis XVII himself. Louis XVII’s heart now rests along with his parents in the basilica of Saint Denis where the french Royal Family grave is located.
Traduzione inglese: Merithorus Slifer – Traduzione italiano: Reine de Fleur