Gekirock x Baitoru Collaboration Project Arubaitalk!
An exciting Chat about part-time Jobs.
A magnificent story that evolves, deeply trapped between fiction and historical facts, in the axis between today’s real world and the Middle Ages. If we think about KAMIJO’s solo projects, in which he continues to present us with a world full of wonder and mystery, it becomes almost impossible to believe he has done certain part-time jobs in the past. We’ll simply tell you about interesting episodes he shared with us. The largest information site of Japan “Baitoru”, and Geki Rock together, form Gekitekiairbai …. talk! (arubaito = part-time work, baitoru = the site, gekiteki “interesting-exciting” is from Geki Rock).
With the collaboration of Tomono Mei, who is studying for his dream part-time job as makeup and hair stylist, we’ll investigate the precious secret experiences of KAMIJO’s part-time jobs and, moreover, get a general idea about his view on visual kei makeup and hairstyle.
– KAMIJO-san always enjoys fantastical atmospheres full of mystery, asking him to talk about real part-time jobs he has done in the past, makes me feel a little guilty (laughs). I entrust you with this rare tale of experiences, thank you.
KAMIJO: I understand. Probably this time I will talk about the origins of this “dress”.
– Oh, how did we suddenly get to this? However, what was your first part-time job?
KAMIJO: My first part-time job was at a “banquet hall” where I helped in the kitchen. At the beginning I carefully cleaned the pots, and then I was promoted to serve wasabi.
– Only wasabi?
KAMIJO: Yeah, I ended up hating wasabi for a while (laughs). After serving wasabi all the time, my eyes and nose were pervaded by that smell. In the end I could not even eat it anymore so I gave it up. But now I’m fine.
But in the end, why did KAMIJO-san choose a “behind the scenes” job? You actually have this amazing image which doesn’t suit.
KAMIJO: In fact, it really was like working behind the scenes. But I was KAMIJO. Even in hotels where weddings were held, in the beginning I used to have my gorgeous image. Day after day, anyway, I was carrying (maybe serving wasabi, ndr.) only wasabi. (laughs) I used to consider it as an aid to chefs.
– Ah, I see. Obviously, you make a wonderful sushi at parties and for these occasions even people who carry the wasabi are indispensable. You think “I’m also one of the kitchen”, right?
KAMIJO: No, I didn’t think so. I’m not interested in the kitchen. Making a pleasant dish of sashimi is up to the chefs, I did what they told me, and even if you think arranging the three corners of the wasabi is easy, for me it was not. There were some difficult parts in this work. So, I never ate wasabi before starting to work there.
KAMIJO: I used to work at the ramen shop.
– Just like a normal person (laughs). You choose again a new job which was ideally far different from your image.
KAMIJO: I like a lot ramen from Sapporo. Since there was a ramen shop I used to like, I thought I wanted to be helpful in that place.
– It seemed to be futile reasons for makig those works, you used to work just hoping to eat food for the staff
KAMIJO: I used to eat food reserved to the staff, but it was more because for the good pay until the nap break. (laughs).
– Being paid also while sleeping is fantastic! In details, what did you have to do in that place?
KAMIJO: Besides ramen, I had to prepare onigiri, serve water and deliver ramen.
– Was the okamochi included ? (a wooden bowl used to carry ramen)
KAMIJO: Yes, I used to put ramen in the metal box, but one day I made something terrible. I was driving my bike with my usual spirit, suddenly there was a moment in which I didn’t realize about the distance and ramen smashed on the wall (we suppose KAMIJO didn’t realize the distance between himself, his bike and the wall, and smashed on the wall, with the ramen pot, ndr.).
– And so ramen…
KAMIJO: It fell on the ground, then I went back to the shop and took another portion. So I used to work in the kitchen of the hotel and in the ramen shop during my school times. For what concerns the jobs I did afterwards, they were all connected to what I have said before; the origin of my style. I used to work in my senpai’s office.
– 事務’s band, isn’t it? I guess lots of fans know the details
KAMIJO: That experience has tought lots of things to me. My work was about writing news for the fanclub, the selling of the merchandising, putting photosets in the envelopes; I also used to take care of the orders and to ship them also.
– Now, after having discovered about these jobs, I would investigate more and more. So, after a ‘behind the scene’ job and preparing wasabi in the kitchen, what did you feel about it?
KAMIJO: In that period I used to think I could see another new world that was unknown to me. When I saw the chefs pull their ‘weapons’ I thought they were so much interesting (litterally that means ‘cool’, ndr.), even when they cleaned dishes, it was done with commitment. Their working tables also were handled very professionally. If I wasn’t come in that world, I wouldn’t have known about it. But sincerely said between you and me, the same it’s for musical intstruments and the equipment. I have seen these workers’ treasures with my own eyes , their professional work.
– What did you gain with the ramen shop?
KAMIJO: What did I gain with that job uh?! Since the salary was high, I gained lots of money (laughs).
– Well, since it was a job, the salary was a good point. (laughs). I think there are lots of jobs with good salary because they are important, but I would like to know why that job was so well paid
KAMIJO: Guess why uh? I could even have a nap break after lunch. (laughs). The salary was high since the beginning because they prefered to have few workers, that was their concept of working.
– Afterwards you started to work by Senpai’s office. What did you learn here and what did you feel? I assume there were elements closer to the reality you are actually living
KAMIJO: Yes, there were lots of things connected to the KAMIJO of today. For example the place for the recordings, the offices for the music. In the music world you attend lots of places, but I have learnt that if you really want to do something, you’ll get it.
– We may say it’s been the most fruitful one
KAMIJO: I totally adored the fact that I have learnt the indi production is invincible. Also the members of senpai’s band used to send CDs to the shops, I have seen such things and its advantages. At the same time, when you must choose wether signing for a major or not, you can take the time to make your choise.
– So when you feel attracted by the word ‘major debut’, it’s possible you fall for it and are not aware, I think
KAMIJO: In 1995 I started my activity with LAREINE and in 1999, the band debuted as major, I stayed for a quite long time in this world. In music business you have lots of experiences. I sometimes used to be anxious and to think it was a dirty world even if it seemed to be sparkling. I also had the idea that if you know everything from this world, it will be boring then. Finally I had an idea about the things I didn’t know: if it’s me doing something, everything will be fine. And in the end I realized making music business as I like is better.
This is the indie spirit!
KAMIJO: And after I realized this idea, making music was much funnier. (loughs).
– I think among the readers there will be someone who already had a part-time job, and others who want to start one. I would like KAMIJO-san to send a message to these people
KAMIJO: I think is always a good opportunity to have experiences in an unknown world. And it’s possible to start quite easily. I haven’t done several part-time jobs, but I have known a new world. As long as time passes by, the opportunities for the future grow, and people with interestes, or the ones who don’t know yet what to do, may try it with a positive attitude. Do you agree?
– Thank you. And now, finally here is the today’s interviewer of baitoru, Tomono-san!
KAMIJO-san, it’s Tomono, nice to meet you. Last year I saw your live show as solo artist for the first time, so I started to get involved also in Versailles. I’m really excited to be the chosen one for this interview.
KAMIJO: Thank you very much.
– Well, here it is my first question. How can you create this amazing vision of the world during your lives and for your songs’ concepts?
KAMIJO: For what concerns the solo career and my interest in history… Talking about me, I have been studying and learning a lot on who has been Louis XVII during the French Revolution, and then I have looked for the unclearest facts in the real story. I have transformed this not so clear fact into a hypotetical story. So, I firstly read the original fact before writing lyrics and music. Afterwards, I summarize the story and in the meanwhile I compose the music and think about the live performance. I wish everyone wonders what it would be if this person lived in this era. So my works are based on fictional stories, but I search also real facts with that meaning.
– Ok. Here is my next question. I’m attending a school to become hairstylist, I always compare my works with others’ works and get worried because I ask myself something like: “My work won’t be fine?”. KAMIJO-san, have you ever compared your works with others and have felt discouraged?
KAMIJO: I always comprare with myself. When I wonder wether I have won against my past self, and if I have one or two hours left, I do it again. And if it sucks, I extend the time limit. (Laughs).
– So you never compare with anyone
KAMIJO: Exactly. By the way Tomono-san, how old are you?
– I’m twenty
KAMIJO: Ahh. So you can’t comprenhend. It sometimes happens I listen to other artists and think: “Ohh that’s fantastic!”. I feel gelous in that moment, but it inspires me at the same time. So I think I must do more, that’s why I never feel down.
– Don’t you never feel down?
KAMIJO: While I complete a project and feel exhausted, I feel down then. What I do first is try to heal me in those moments. For example I write songs, try to distract me and take care of the design. After the design, it’s the time to elaborate the video. If it doesn’t work this way, I write lyrics.
– It’s always work tough
KAMIJO: Oh yes (Laughs). But the everything is easier when I have a new title in my head. I always do this way.
– I have heard very interesting things. Thank you so much! Well, I have talked about my study to become a hair stylist, what about you KAMIJO-san, have you got specific requests you can’t do? Do you always go to the hairdresser?
KAMIJO: I always wear my hair in a tridimentional style. I don’t curl my hair with the proper hair plate, but I use the flat one. This is important. I do the lines and shadows on my face, but nothing more.
– Were you used to make you up by yourseld in the past?
KAMIJO: In Versailles times I used to do everything by myself. But make-up artists actually have a great thecnic and I trust in professional people. Taking care of my hair is as important as my music. A good care of my hair it’s essential in order to sing my feelings, to portray the world I write about. So I consider a hairdresser a member with which I build my world. I trust him.
– I also want to become a hair stylist people would trust in.
KAMIJO: In the years back harstylists didn’t have the same way of working it’s used today in the Visual Kei scene. They create great things today. Hairstylist have always been good, but today there are professional ones and I would like them to work for me. You too, Tomono-san, meet the world you would like to represent and become an amazing hairstylist who is able to improve us.
– I see. I’m studying the airbrush just now, so I’ll attempt.
♦Translation: Reine de Fleur, Belle Moitié for Alla Corte di KAMIJO
♦Articolo in Italiano: QUI